Better Use of Management Consulting
EN 16114 Management Consultancy Services - New Standard Launched!
On 9 November 2011 more than 50 representatives of the management consultancy sector and EU-institutions came together in Brussels to celebrate the launch of the new European Service Standard EN 16114 Management Consultancy Services and discuss further steps for its implementation.
For details go to our Ambassador Program.
New Work Item Proposal “Management Consultancy” to ISO, May 2013
The ballot for the proposal for an ISO standard on management consultancy closed on 23 April 2013. Of the 31 replies, 16 member bodies voted in favour of the proposal, 4 voted against and 11 abstained. Of the 16 member bodies that approved the proposal, 12 have indicated that they wish to participate actively in the work. According to the ISO/IEC Directives, acceptance of such a proposal requires approval by a simple majority of the member bodies voting and a minimum of five member bodies willing to participate actively in the work. The proposal has therefore been accepted.
Now these results are under evaluation of ISO Technical Management Board, in order approve the establishment of a new ISO/PC on Management consultancy and the allocation of the secretariat to UNI (Italy). The final decision will be taken by June 1st, 2013.
Therefore at the beginning of June we foresee to be in the position to establish a plan for the next steps, including the organization of the kick-off meeting.
New Work Item Proposal “Management Consultancy” to ISO, Feb. 2013
The Italian standards body UNI has recently submitted to ISO a new work item proposal, to open a Project Committee in ISO on Management Consultancy.
The proposal takes its origin from the positive experience gained in CEN during the last few years, where the European standard EN 16114:2011 has been published with the contribution of many European Countries.
Experts interested to develop an ISO standard based on EN 16114 in a new Project Committee should now:
- contact soon their National Standardization Bodies,
- recommend their National Standardization Bodies to express a positive vote to the proposal;
- give elements to describe the reasons of this positive vote,
- e.g. remembering the significant improvement of the internal organization that industries and world market could obtain using a good consultancy, or highlighting the benefit for the consultants when they act in accordance with a well-recognized guideline;
- offer their availability to be nominated as experts in the new ISO Project Committee;
- recommend their National Standardization Bodies to ask ISO to be registered as P-members of the new Project Committee.
Note: the National Standardization Bodies can decide to be registered in any new/existing committee as P-member (Participant), O-member (observer), or, in lack of interest, can totally miss their participation.
The activity will start if at least 5 countries:
- accept the proposal explaining why: a simple 'yes' without justification will not be registered as a positive vote;
- accept to be registered as P-members;
- nominate immediately at least one expert available for the activity.
ISO Technical Management Board (TMB) will evaluate the replies at the closure of the ballot, on April 23, 2013.
Please do not hesitate to contact the convenor ( or the secretary ( of CEN TC 381, if you need further information.
ISO Technical Management Board (TMB) will evaluate the replies at the closure of the ballot, on April 23, 2013. Please do not hesitate to contact the convenor ( or the secretary ( of CEN TC 381, if you need further information. |
Ambassadors Support Implementation
At the launch celebration there was broad agreement from all participants, that the resolution and launch of the standard is not the final point of the project, but should be regarded as the kick-off for the implementation project ahead. The implementation will need the same commitment and decisiveness as the development of the standard. EN 16114-Ambassadors, representatives of the consultancy industry in their respective region or market, will help spread the ideas, values and structure of the standard.
The ambition behind the ambassador concept is to mobilize and empower all people who support the implementation of the standard and encourage management consultancies and clients to adopt it, irrespective of their nationality and position withing an institution or within a group of stakeholders.
The following pages contain information, tools and links to support the regional Ambassadors in their mission.